已封鎖 @Benoit_Anger
你確定要查看這些推文嗎?檢視推文並不會解除封鎖 @Benoit_Anger。
RT @GQ_France: Infographie : Les villes françaises déchiffrées par Alfred http://flip.it/sgnaG http://flip.it/KJmBk
How to Design an Agenda for an Effective Meeting http://flip.it/s0jEJ http://flip.it/sNc9X v/ @HarvardBiz
CEOs need mentors, too: http://s.hbr.org/1AKlmRQ pic.twitter.com/AlCcb1BdjT
#GrandesÉcoles #EnseignementSup Les chiffres clés de la @ConferenceDesGE pic.twitter.com/YDaPi3njVk
.@fgri On en discute justement le 13/04 chez @SKEMA_BS avec @didiebon & @NicolasROLLAND. Vous êtes la bienvenue... #TweetPrecedent
Transformation digitale: finie la théorie ! | Le blog de Françoise Gri (@fgri) http://www.francoisegri.com/1324-transformation-digitale-finie-la-theorie … #digitaltransformation #SKEMADigital
The 10 Commandments for International Managers in a US Environment http://rpx.me/AKY7l v/ @AlumniSKEMA #SKEMA
Pearson admits to monitoring students' social media use during its online tests | US news | The Guardian http://ow.ly/KvHge
3/ To register and discuss about #digitaltransformation with other senior executives http://www.skema-bs.fr/skema/conference-skema-digital?NoMobileRedirect=True …
2/ We'll discuss it with @didiebon, author of #LeadingDigital, in @SKEMA_BS on the 23/04... #SKEMADigital
1/ Revamping Your Business Through #DigitalTransformation http://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/revamping-your-business-through-digital-transformation/ … via @mitsmr #SKEMADigital
Droit de retrait vs. droit de rentrer chez soi ?...
Honored to create a real-time mural of David Roberts on DISRUPTION. Enjoy! @singularityu #disruption @singularityhub pic.twitter.com/YAM7HYVoCZ
Encore un exercice de droit de retrait abusif qui prend en otage ce soir des dizaines de milliers d'usagers #transilien #SNCF
Quand François Hollande blâme les réseaux sociaux et internet http://lelab.europe1.fr/les-cinq-critiques-de-francois-hollande-envers-internet-et-les-reseaux-sociaux-22436 … via @leLab_E1
Congratulations to Professor Xie Yi from #USTC for her award. @SKEMA_BS recently launched a joint program with USTC. pic.twitter.com/PSdGLL2g4e
Tesla has a plan to eliminate range anxiety as an excuse for not going electric http://wrd.cm/1CxOrEQ pic.twitter.com/lMGcnCZhLv
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